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About Us

Empowered by Light’s solar energy projects empower vulnerable communities to leapfrog dirty fossil fuels and grow their economies while protecting unique ecosystems.





Our Story

Empowered by Light started its work in Zambia in 2011, bringing light and solar power to some of the country’s most remote schools. Since then, we have joined forces with communities throughout Africa, Asia, and the Americas, enabling them to leapfrog fossil fuels and gain access to clean energy while protecting fragile ecosystems and threatened species. 

From installing solar panels that enable rangers in remote stations to protect endangered wildlife, to helping women start solar businesses, to providing light so school children can study at night, Empowered by Light empowers communities to build healthier, sustainable, more prosperous futures.


Around the world, 1.5 billion people have no access to electricity, and often burn kerosene for light. Access to clean, reliable energy radically improves quality of life. Empowered by Light’s projects demonstrate that off-the-grid communities can bypass dirty fossil-fuel generation and power their own progress with locally controlled, clean and renewable energy.


Empowered by Light’s solar projects also empower the protectors: indigenous people who live on the land and depend on local natural resources, who can best serve as guardians of the environment. Eighty percent of the world’s remaining biodiversity is in indigenous territories. Our partners on the ground have a life-or-death vested interest in the health of their local ecosystems. By protecting endangered species and unique and threatened ecosystems, they serve us all and the Earth we share. They are lighting the way forward, for people and the planet.

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