Projects in Nepal
15 projects completed to date
8 solar-powered water pumps installed
We've funded eight solar-powered water pumps for small farmers in Chitwan as part of a pilot project with Kalpavriksha Greater Goods, which is part of the Pollinate Group. Our funding subsidizes the cost of the water pump so our organizations can better understand which farmers can benefit most, what they can afford to pay to buy or lease the pumps, and to what extent the pumps can increase crop yield and the number and types of crops that can be grown annually--all the while displacing dirty diesel pumps.
The farmers who have received the pumps are able to grow two rice crops a year instead of one and grow seasonal and non-seasonal crops in addition to earning more income from loaning use of their pumps to neighboring farms.
6 installations completed to date

Empowered by Light’s Nepal efforts are doing triple duty in and around Chitwan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site:
Rangers protecting single-horned Asiatic rhinos, Bengal tigers and other endangered wildlife from poachers rely on solar panels to bring light, power and communication to an isolated ranger station deep in the forest.
Local women — traditionally excluded from the formal economy — sell low-cost solar home solutions to people living in the buffer zone that surrounds the park.
Solar-powered tourist observation towers bring in money for conservation efforts and projects designed to minimize conflicts between communities living in and around the park and wildlife.
In all of these ways, access to clean energy helps the community create economic opportunities while protecting the unique ecosystem that surrounds and sustains them.
To date, Empowered by Light has installed solar and battery storage systems on a ranger station and five observation towers in the Park, and we have plan to continue supporting communities in this region. Our partners have included GRID Alternatives, Empower Generation and Gham Power.
Learn more about Empowered by Light’s work in Chitwan National Park by watching Bufferzone, a 20-minute documentary film released in May 2017.
You can also help us by sharing the trailer for Bufferzone and the news about our next trip to Nepal. Click the buttons below to share with your networks.
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